Why you Have the Wrong Idea About Delegating
The Benefits of Delegating
Delegating can be a hassle. Trust us, we get it. It feels like it takes more time to explain how to do something than it would to just do it yourself. Not to mention when it eventually does get done, it’s never quite how you would have chosen to do it on you own. So why waste your time?
You’ve heard this spiel before, so you already know that efficiency in a team means getting as much done as possible at the lowest levels possible so that everyone can maximize their effectiveness. In fact, 78% of personnel in major corporations feel like their boss, manager, or supervisor should delegate more effectively specifically for this reason.
But we’re not writing this blog to tell you what you already know. Instead, we’d like to argue that delegating for time management and efficiency is only a small part of the “delegation pie.” We think leaders should focus on delegation as a means for developing their team, engaging members in long-term company success, achieving more loyalty and effectiveness and increasing overall job satisfaction.
A more valuable investment
You weren’t put in a leadership position to “just make sure stuff gets done.” You were put there to maximize your team’s capabilities, helping guide each team member to becoming a more valuable investment to your company.
Yes, this includes getting things done in the most effective ways possible, but it also means equipping each team member with the skills and tools that elevate the overall performance of your team.
More buy-in
Change can be difficult. Involving employees in decisions that affect them results in more team ownership and commitment to providing a successful implementation.
Meaningfulness motivates
In a poll by BNET, now part of CBS MoneyWatch, 29% of participants stated that they were most motivated by doing something meaningful at work, while only 25% were motivated by money.
Despite common belief, not everybody is only doing their work for a paycheck. It’s human nature to want to grow, develop, and to see their efforts have an impact, no matter how small. By delegating tasks to team members that give them more responsibility within the company, you are showing that you care about their professional development which, in return, gives your employees more job satisfaction. Which leads us to our next point…
It decreases turnover
A team that feels that their manager trusts them, and that the company is interested in their professional goals and progression, will be more satisfied in their work and less likely to leave the organization. A manager who makes a point of regularly challenging his or her team members and who helps them build skills in order to participate in more meaningful aspects of the company will experience decreased turnover within their team.
A more skillful team also contributes to the overall success strategy of a company by providing a pipeline of talented employees to assist in future goals.
Better time management
And, yes, delegating means you will have more time to lead your team and more effectively handle important or urgent work.
Why do you delegate?
Learn more about our open enrollment Accelerated Management Program which includes modules on delegation, as well as communication, inspiring trust and confidence, performance coaching, and influencing by visiting leadershipchoice.com/training/ or contact us today for a free consultation today.