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Why do we begin every program with Connecting With People?

December 27, 2021
By: Patrick Bosworth in the Coaching Programs category.

The Importance of Team Communication in the Workplace

Leadership Choice begins each of our leadership training and coaching programs with an iConnect Communication Assessment and, in most cases, a Connecting With People workshop.

Entering into a training or coaching environment after attending a Connecting With People workshop means participants are in the mindset of understanding their personal behavioral and communication patterns. With this mindset, participants are better primed and prepared to be receptive to new deep thinking, information, and behavior-changing skillsets and mindsets

“Being able to apply slightly different communication tactics in leadership according to a direct report’s personal communication pattern makes for a more effective application environment for new skills, strategies, and influence.”

There’s more to it than personal communication patterns, however. Connecting With People helps each participant master the ability to identify and understand other people’s communication patterns. The participants are able to use this information to make temporary communication modifications that drive an impactful, more controlled outcome. Being able to apply slightly different communication tactics in leadership according to a direct report’s personal communication pattern makes for a more effective application environment for new skills, strategies, and influence.

It’s not just for leaders

Leadership Choice has seen the huge impact that communication pattern awareness can have on the synchronization and effectiveness of a team. It’s proven to increase productivity, connect more strategically, increase efficiency, and minimize inter-team conflict.

“A mediocre team perfectly in-sync with each other and their strategic goals is infinitely more powerful than a team of superstars who can’t work well together.”

That is why Leadership Choice also offers Team Connect, which identifies inter-team communication strengths and challenges, as well as how to better overcome inter-team communication barriers. This workshop also helps the team analyze how to communicate more effectively with other people of influence in the communication dynamic, including stakeholders and customers.

Learn more about Connecting With People and Team Connect by clicking here.


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