Inspire trust and confidence by delivering on your personal brand
“Trust is confidence born of two dimensions: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, motive, and intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, skills, results, and track record. Both dimensions are vital.” – Steven Covey
You probably have a good idea of what makes you an asset to your company. The skills, qualities, personal attributes, and knowledge that you bring to your company are a large part of your personal brand.
Consciously or subconsciously, you hold out your personal brand to your peers, supervisors, the organization, and external stakeholders. Consistently delivering on these personal brand promises strengthens and solidifies your personal brand and inspires trust and confidence in you as a successful contributor to the company.
Inspiring Trust & Confidence
In inspiring trust and confidence in your personal brand, there are three points of trust that most contribute to your personal brand success:
1. Keep commitments. Trust is rooted in consistently following through with what you say you’re going to do. Demonstrate honesty and integrity with all your dealings.
2. Perform with excellence. Your personal brand should be centered around your greatest skills and qualities — things that make you extraordinary, rare, outstanding, or superior. Know what you’re good at, and magnify these talents with the work you do.
3. Take ownership. You are responsible for the results of your personal brand. When you make a commitment to achieve something, make it your personal responsibility to make sure you deliver.
What can you do today to deliver more consistently on your brand promises?
Learn more about Inspiring Trust & Confidence and developing your personal brand statement in our Accelerated Management Program. This program is available through open enrollment in our high-impact virtual learning program. Learn more by clicking here.