All leaders know they need a strong team behind them if they’re going to be successful. Building a team of loyal employees is more of a challenge than most people think. While the employees look up to the leader for guidance, they also tend to critique the leader. A big part of being a good […]

For any enterprise, acquiring and fostering talent plays a pivotal role in the company’s growth strategy and eventual success. This is especially true when it comes to nurturing the type of talent that will be retained three, five, or ten years down the road. While both high-performing and high-potential talent are crucial for an organization’s […]

Updated February 2025.   Leadership style is a critical factor in the success of any organization. How the leadership operates will affect employee morale, productivity, innovation, and decision-making, so getting it right is imperative. In recent decades, the mechanics of leadership have been analyzed in academic and business circles, styles have been labeled and defined, […]

Leadership is an important quality in any environment, but it is not only found in those who are currently managers or executives. According to the Harvard Business Review, the best leaders are those who can identify potential future leaders among their employees, and then help them hone the skills involved. The ability to inspire others to […]

Leadership expert Dave Boizelle discusses the formula he uses to design successful high-potential leadership programs.   After many years of designing and delivering a Leadership Acceleration Program in partnership with a leader in the industry, I have come to appreciate 6 key factors that can determine HiPo leadership program success.   Creating A Successful HiPo […]

by Patrick Bosworth   Common Leadership & Management Mistakes After nearly a decade of coaching leaders who have experienced great success but also blundered, bobbled, and blown it at times, I’ve found their greatest growth has come from spotting easily made mistakes that are often overlooked. I’ve found the difference between a good leader and a great […]

by Patrick Bosworth How to Find the Best Managers to Hire or Promote Patrick Bosworth, CEO and Founder of Leadership Choice, recently published this article in CEO World Magazine. The original article can be found here. There’s a universal feeling of anxiety when it comes to hiring or promoting new managers. Whether your hand is forced […]

Congrats! You’re out of the cubicle and in your new office, complete with a nameplate and door. Along with a pay raise, you’ve taken on a leadership position, which means managing instead of being managed! It’s a big change, full of great challenges, potential, and pitfalls. Fortunately, many of these first-timer pitfalls are easy to […]

by Patrick Bosworth     Performance Coaching Strike the phrase “constructive criticism” from your vocabulary. Replace it with one of a great leader’s most important skills: “Performance Coaching.” “Performance Coaching” is the industry term for the strategic communication, feedback, direction, and support provided to others. Leaders who uses performance coaching when they interact their teams use […]

Hiring a Leadership Coach There are several reasons a leader may consider hiring a leadership coach. New, inexperienced, or high-potential leaders may hire a leadership coach to learn essential leadership skills or gain confidence in a new leadership role. Seasoned leaders may hire a leadership coach to overcome a plateau, solve a specific challenge, or […]