Articles and Resources

by Dave Boizelle   Training High-Potential Leaders Individuals learn leadership lessons in unique and personal ways, often at unpredictable times. I was facilitating a high potential leadership team program when one of the participants interrupted me and blurted out, “I get it! I finally get it!” The class came to a halt. I turned to him […]

by Patrick Bosworth     Leadership Secrets from an Unlikely Source As a father, if my son tried to use the “Dad, video games develop my leadership skills!” line on me, I wouldn’t fall for it. Not in a million years. Because I’m an experienced father who can see a teenager’s excuses and justifications from a […]

Mistakes New Managers Make that Lead to Failure Nobody promotes a manager or leader expecting him or her to fail. They don’t hope that the manager will be ineffective, demotivate their team, or put the company at risk. And yet we see managers like this every day. What happens between the points of a high-potential […]

While studies show most HR professionals and executives are dissatisfied with their current performance management system, the solution may not be as simple as eliminating performance reviews.

Communication in the workplace is one of the most influential aspects of business success or failure. A well-communicating team can move mountains together, while a poorly-communicating team can unintentionally (or intentionally) sabotage success.   Effective Communication in the Workplace Improving communication in your teams is one of the most important changes your organization can take. […]

by Patrick Bosworth     Performance Coaching Strike the phrase “constructive criticism” from your vocabulary. Replace it with one of a great leader’s most important skills: “Performance Coaching.” “Performance Coaching” is the industry term for the strategic communication, feedback, direction, and support provided to others. Leaders who uses performance coaching when they interact their teams use […]

“Trust is confidence born of two dimensions:  character and competence. Character includes your integrity, motive, and intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, skills, results, and track record. Both dimensions are vital.” – Steven Covey You probably have a good idea of what makes you an asset to your company. The skills, qualities, personal attributes, […]

Hiring a Leadership Coach There are several reasons a leader may consider hiring a leadership coach. New, inexperienced, or high-potential leaders may hire a leadership coach to learn essential leadership skills or gain confidence in a new leadership role. Seasoned leaders may hire a leadership coach to overcome a plateau, solve a specific challenge, or […]